Computer makers scramble to develop hardware that can run DCS A-10C Warthog

Flight sim will run great in the computer that you will buy four years from now.

It never fails with new flight sims from Eagle Dynamics: they run like a dog in average but capable hardware. Now that we all drank the EA’s kool aid by giving them our money too early, please wish us luck to fly anywhere outside the Nevada desert in less than 2 years. Weirdest things bring down the frames per second: gorgeous building shadows that can’t be disabled, looking at your wingman, flying over a city, sitting in an airfield.

Even the “community” air smells weird now. I used to go there and ask why my computer (which ran anything else flawlessly) chugs with the new flight sim du jour. Then it was the blame game: my fault, because my computer was so-last-month …  Now even the jocks who would otherwise say that they run the game at 678 frames per second with all maxed out are saying “the game is not optimized yet for frame rates”.

Off to play Falcon 4 Allied Force.

About Maurice Ketta
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